Thursday, January 3, 2013

Starting over

After many unfruitful attempts at blogging in the past, I've decided to give it another shot. What the hell, it's a new year and a time for new beginnings.
Actually, this new year has spiraled into a new beginning for me in more ways than one. I'm a (sort of) new wife - we were married in August. I was also unexpectedly laid off from my second journalism job in two years in November - sort of the catalyst for starting this thing in the first place. With these two monumental events happening in such a short amount of time (and with so much free time on my unemployed hands), I've been giving a lot of thought about the direction of my life. What's really important? Where do my passions lie? How will I move forward and shape my future from here on out? Like most people, I want follow a path that makes me happy, healthy and challenged. So this year, I vow to seek out those things that bring joy to my life and others, stay positive, get healthy and keep pushing forward. With these goals in focus, I know opportunity will be waiting just around the corner.

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